
Сообщения за июль, 2021


 In classic gаmbling games, such as baccarat, poker, roulette and even lotto, the result depends on a huge number of objective factors. For example, the distribution in poker depends on the quality of the shuffling of cards, their random distribution in the deck, the sequence of distribution, and much more. Slot machines in online casinos work on a completely different principle. All the results of the slot are generated by a special program-a random number generator (RNG). Video slots of offline gaming estаblishments and online casino slot machines work according to a similar scheme. Manufacturers embed their RNGs in them, which constantly give out sets of completely random values. The program performs millions of operations per second аnd never stops. The product of its activity is a sequence of 64 numbers. At the moment of pressing the "Spin" button on the slot, the program selects the current generated series and already processes it to output the results to the screen. F...